October 29, 2006

The day the World went away

Today we celebrate the proof that Democracy is a failed institution.

Again, the common-sense abandon the mind of the populace, that damn themselves and cheer joyfully, blessfully ignorants of the pool of mud they sank themselves, not to say curse words or bad ones...

No... It's not possible that this can be for a reason... Not always the things that happens have a reason... There are things that even the Pendulum can't answer... The Plan can't involve everything... After all, the Templars didn't concerned themselves with this end of world continent...

I just hope that people like Casaubon, Belbo, Diotallevi or myself still have some space left in this world of Diabolics and Ignorants... after all, it's us that draw the clues of the Plan... Without us, they're doomed to wander in circles and dig the same hole over and over again...

God bless the Democracy!

October 27, 2006


Are the things we feel that prove that we exist? Sensations define our life? Can anyone live life without feeling a thing?

Is there such a thing as sentiments or emotions? Those are all eletric impulses of our brain. We cannot trust them. The world all around us can be an illusion, a divertion that keeps us to see what really matters.

Have you seen the colour of the sky lately? Did you take a walk in a grove, or felt a tree under your own touch? When was the last time you walked barefoot over the grass?

Are you really living your life?

October 25, 2006

Long Distance

Sometimes we feel like we're apart from the world around us. I don't know where this feeling come from. I don't feel it myself quite often. But it overwhelms me from time to time.

I feel like I'm watching myself as I was an actor in a second-hand movie. Do you know what I mean? As if you're reading a book about your life. You feel like you're outside the events that's happening to yourself.

Isn't life a great book, in which we're just some kind of figurants in a major story, bound to do nothing worth even mentioning it? But that kind of though set my teeth on edge... Then I remember that guy... Tidus... he was pretty pathetic, but he did said something that was valuable to me...


October 22, 2006


I have to find it... I know it's out there... Somewhere...

I still can't say for sure if it's just a place, or someone, or something... But I know it's real and it's out there...

Only when I reach it and be with it I'll know why... I'll know how...

Sanctuary. Everyone needs one. I, more than anyone.

October 20, 2006

To Times Once Forgotten

Hail all... I suppose this one is a little old... I really don't know why I still have these deep urges to write on this thing...

Sometimes we get caught up on this streams of feelings, reminiscences, memories... Of times that have long ago vanished... Times of happiness or times of grief... Tangled up in our brains... Times that we've forgotten... Times we wanted to forget, but can not...

I think it's all connected to that single point in the existence that never move... That never change... I still don't know what's behind that, but I believe that the Pendulum is the answer...

Alas, I don't know if I'll take back this nonsense... And I don't know if anyone will ever read, or care, 'bout this... What I really wanted to say is that this is "To times once forgotten"...