April 27, 2007


Everything is quite well. I don't remember when was the last time I felt like this. I feel... how can I explain?

I've finally made peace with myself. I got a little... no, let me correct myself... I got a HUGE help from someone I love dearly in my life. She made me feel like I'm something that's "worth the trouble". For those who don't know me, I think that's a good thing...

I just wish that I'm not too big a trouble for those who care 'bout me...

April 20, 2007


After I went to the very Doors of Hell, I'm back.

I think that these are the days that I've been expecting for a very long time.

I'm still tired to the bones, but I know, deep in my heart, that things will work out just fine.

I've made my redemption. I'm tired of all that I was. Of all that I tried to avoid. Of all that I really was.

I hope I'm not fooling myself again.